sexta-feira, maio 29, 2015

Caminho Português de Santiago pela Costa

Seguindo o caminho central até S. Pedro de Rates:

262km; 2.900mts desnível positivo acumulado.

ou indo logo para a costa pela Póvoa de Varzim (track em baixo só até Caminha, mas a continuação é igual ao anterior):

quarta-feira, maio 27, 2015


 "Já percebi que o que as ilhas têm de mais belo e as completa é a ilha que está em frente", Raul Brandão

terça-feira, maio 19, 2015



reason drives conclusion
emotion drives behavior

ocitocina - empatia
dopamina - cognição, memória

quarta-feira, maio 13, 2015

the future of management - Gary Hamel

Gary Hamel - Future of management << quotes and preface

In The Future of Management, Gary Hamel argues that organizations need management innovation now more than ever. Why? The management paradigm of the last century—centered on control and efficiency—no longer suffices in a world where adaptability and creativity drive business success. To thrive in the future, companies must reinvent management.

"how do you build organizations that are as nimble as change itself"

 “Like the combustion engine, it's a technology that has largely stopped evolving, and that's not good.” What then does the future of management hold? Hamel timidly won't say. “My goal in writing this book was not to predict the future of management, but to help you invent it,” he wrote. Useful things to bear in mind, he suggested, are the need for companies to have purpose, to seek out ideas from the fringes, and to embrace the democratising power of the internet.

quinta-feira, maio 07, 2015

Astrofísica por Neil deGrasse Tyson

Astrofísica explicada descomplicada!

terça-feira, maio 05, 2015

matthieu ricard on the habits of happiness



well being: serenity and fulfillment.

+ doing good; unselfishness; generosity; love
- rage; hanger; jealousness; hate

good and bad emotions cannot coexist at same time > antidots to bad emotions > nurture good emotions > mind training

meditation > mind transformation ... takes time ... > get into uncnditional kindness